Category Archives: Wisdom

Annan on Education

annan“There is no tool for development more effective than the education of girls and women.  No other policy is as likely to raise economic productivity, lower infant and maternal mortality, improve nutrition, promote health — including the prevention of HIV/AIDS — and increase the chances of education for the next generation.” [Kofi Annan]

Kofman on Trust

If you are not deceived occasionally, then you are not extending enough trust.  Unless you experience the occasional deception, you are not optimising your relationship building process.

You are losing valuable opportunities to connect with people who might enrich your career… and your life.  You don’t know in advance who will honor your trust and who will not – so when you extend trust, you are gambling on probabilities and you will make mistakes.

There are two types of mistakes you can make.  Type 1 is to trust somebody who will deceive you – a “false positive.”  Type 2 is to not trust somebody who will not deceive you – a “false negative.”  But you can only reduce the probability of Type 1 mistakes by increasing the probability of Type 2 mistakes, and vice versa!

You can reduce the probability of trusting the “wrong” person by tightening your standards – and excluding a “wrong” person from your circle of trust is a benefit.  But tightening your standards means a higher probability of rejecting a “right” person; and excluding a “right” person from your circle of trust is a cost.

There are no hard and fast rules – you just have to strike a balance with which you are comfortable – no easy matter!

Carter on War

carter2War may sometimes be a necessary evil.  But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good.  We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other’s children (Jimmy Carter, Former US President)