NFP Lessons for 2015 from NonProfit With Balls

NWB15 very interesting lessons learned identified by NonProfit With Balls in 2015.

  1. An organization not built on strong values will crumble like dried hummus.
  2. An elephant in the room is most destructive when it is ignored.
  3. Diversity means differences, including of perspectives.
  4. There is more than one way to do activism.
  5. Anyone of any age can be totally awesome or totally crappy.
  6. The perception of who is leading matters as much as who is leading.
  7. Bigotry is like getting something stuck in your teeth.
  8. Not taking risks is one of the biggest risks of all.
  9. If there’s writing on the wall, don’t whitewash it.
  10. We cannot compare a nonprofit platypus to a for-profit porcupine.
  11. When we use silver bullets, we often shoot ourselves in the foot.
  12. Donors are looking for authentic partnerships.
  13. The squeaky wheel gets the worm, and it is inequitable.
  14. If no one is listening, it’s probably because you’re not either.
  15. A unicorn in the hand is worth two working in real estate.

Do yourself a favour, have a laugh and learn!